Friday, August 29

Costa Rica Pix

I have finally put my Costa Rica Pix in a web album. No captions or editing as of yet. That will come later... maybe.

My camera only made half the trip, but that still ended up being 181 pictures.

Anyway, you can go here to see them.

Tuesday, August 26

Cake Wrecks

Oh my goodness. This is the funniest blog I have looked at in a long time. Either that, or I'm in desperate need of some comic relief in my life. Eh, either way, it's pretty darn funny!

Friday, August 1

Costa Rica


I have fallen in love. Not for the first time, mind you, but fallen in love again... in love with the Lord, with his word, his people, his call to go, all of it. It's easy in our comfortable society to become, well, comfortable. But the Lord has renewed my first love...

This week I returned from a trip to Costa Rica, where I spent a few days working with the Rahab Foundation, a ministry to prostitutes in San Jose. They help sex workers see that they are loved and worthy of love. They help them get education and vocational training and find jobs. The staff at Rahab live and work like Jesus did - in the darkness, with the "sinners", the fatherless, the widow, the oppressed.

It was beautiful, intense, heart-breaking... and I'm once again in deep love.

I quit!

So, if you haven't assumed by now, it's official... I quit. Not blogging completely, but the picture a day thing. It was too stressful! I made it 6 months, and it took my 2 months to finally confess that I'm quitting.

Maybe now that I don't have the stress of a picture every single day, I'll be more inclined to actually blog things... maybe, maybe not!