Pretty church, pretty sky.
Thursday, February 28
Tuesday, February 26
Monday, February 25
February 25
Cathleen and Janine both have birthdays on the 27th, but will both be gone, so we had their birthday celebration today. I made the cake - chocolate layer cake with strawberries and icing between the layers. Yummy!
Saturday, February 23
February 23
Friday, February 22
Thursday, February 21
February 21
Wednesday, February 20
February 20
Tuesday, February 19
February 19
Monday, February 18
February 18
Saturday, February 16
February 16
My two sickies...

Both Ashley and Amanda came down with whatever has been going around. I don't know how I've managed to not get it, both the girls at work had it, now both my roommates. So, we stayed in and watched movies all evening... how great is Pride and Prejudice!!! I think that's our new favorite. We had fun family time... well, except for the snot and coughing and tissues!
Both Ashley and Amanda came down with whatever has been going around. I don't know how I've managed to not get it, both the girls at work had it, now both my roommates. So, we stayed in and watched movies all evening... how great is Pride and Prejudice!!! I think that's our new favorite. We had fun family time... well, except for the snot and coughing and tissues!
Friday, February 15
February 15
Thursday, February 14
February 14
Wednesday, February 13
February 13
Monday, February 11
February 11
Sunday, February 10
February 10
Yay! I finished my hat today. It only took me a week. I don't think that's too bad for my first one.
We're contemplating a little puffy ball on top... Any opinions?
Saturday, February 9
February 9
I didn't get a picture yesterday, so I got 2 today...
Lee was in town today, so we grabbed lunch.
Friday, February 8
February 8
Tonight the prayer band went out to the youth retreat... I didn't get a picture.
It was, as always, a wonderful time spent with the Lord. Brother Willie prayed for me, seemingly out of nowhere, that God would be my diligent protector. That certainly spoke right to my heart.
Thursday, February 7
February 7
I am officially a Burdashaw again!
Again, you ask? When was I not a Burdashaw, you ponder? Well, let me explain... Quite a while ago, I was stopped for talking on my cell phone while driving. When the officer took my license, he noticed it was still a TN license (bright fellow). After playing a wonderful round of 20 questions, he determined that I am in fact an IL resident and gave me quite a lecture on the 60 day window to surrender your out of state license. Since I had been here about 2 years at that point, I was given a court date instead of just a citation and was instructed to get an IL license before the court date. Being the good citizen that I am, I went straight away to take care of it. I didn't notice for several weeks, and it may have actually been Ashley or Amanda who noticed, that they spelled my name wrong. They made me "Becky Burdshaw". It doesn't even look right! Well, I registered to vote at the same time, so sure enough, my voter card has "Becky Burdshaw". I had to do some training for work and they needed a copy of my license. That's right, all the documentation came back "Burdshaw". I even had to fly as "Burdshaw". How terrible!
For the last four months I've lived as Becky Burdshaw, well no longer...
I haven't been feeling well and I had a dentist appointment, so I took a sick day and decided it would be wisdom to get this fixed today since they have such accomodating hours. So, praise the Lord, I am officially a Burdashaw again! License, voter card, maybe I can get those work documents fixed now...
Wednesday, February 6
February 6
Behold Yarn-Man!
I seriously need to get a life. Amanda was with Pippie and Ashley was with Kristen, so I sat on the couch to do a little reading and knitting. It doesn't really look like I got too much done, but my skein of yarn is steadily shrinking... enough so, that I squished it into a ball to sit the hat on top of. Then I thought, hmmm, that kinda looks like a head with a hat on. So i added pearl eyes and a ring for a nose...
Someone please help me!
Tuesday, February 5
Monday, February 4
February 4
We've had snow for days. Today we exchanged the snow for crazy fog. It looked really eerie walking across campus. The picture didn't turn out as good as I had hoped. It was so foggy, I couldn't even see downtown as I was driving down Lakeshore Drive ~ no park, no fountain, no museum campus, nothing but fog!
Sunday, February 3
February 3
Saturday, February 2
February 2
Friday, February 1
February 1
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