Well, it has been quite a day! One of the most eventful birthdays I have had in quite a while...
It actually started yesterday. I am really blessed with some wonderful coworkers. At our office meeting, they brought a colossal chocolate cake and a card, signed by Rod of course!
Then this morning, at the other office I work in, they brought me a birthday bear and balloon ~ I do love a good mylar balloon...
Tonight, Ashley and Amanda took me to dinner at Artopolis in Greektown...
And they gave me the most exciting present - a gift certificate to do one of those cooking class/demonstration things and an apron to wear when I go! Oh, and another balloon! They did a really great job.
Of course there were the wonderful cards (and checks!), emails, e-cards, phone calls, texts, and facebook messages from people I couldn't be with. I felt especially loved and blessed today. Thank you to everyone!
Happy birthday to me!
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