This is my friend Laura...
At the lunch we served, I was standing in the back waiting to see what still needed to be done and here she comes. She just toddled up to me and made the universal baby "pick me up" sign - arms outstreched high overhead. So, I picked her up. I mean, when have I ever refused to hold a little one? Well, that settled it, she was mine! I gave her away long enough to play La Simona Dice (Simon Says) and then she was back.
Later, one of the little boys was sick and crying, so I tried to hold him and she got very upset with me. We finally managed this arrangement and she seemed okay, unless I tried to move.

A couple days later, we went to Rahab's monthly service with the women. While the choir was singing, one of the workers came rushing upstairs to get help with the kids. Since I'm not in the choir, they sent me down. As soon as I got there, one of the interns turned around and handed me Laura!
Later, when we talked with the women in small groups, I was in the group with both of their mothers. It was beautiful to hear their stories and understand a little more about the lives of these precious babies. And of course wonderful to see my sweet Laura again!
More on the little guy in another post...