Thursday, September 18

Brother Yun

I am so excited I had to share right away!
This morning on Moody radio, they were discussing persecution in the church, specifically in China. A man was talking about his organization Act3, and how they are working to raise awareness of the persecuted. His life was greatly impacted by exiled Chinese Christian Brother Yun, author of Heavenly Man. Bro. Yun has written another book, Living Water and is on a US speaking tour. Act3 is sponsoring his visits to the Chicagoland area... THIS WEEKEND!
I spent the rest of my drive repeating,,, because I just had to look up these speaking engagements. You see, Shelly ShellFish let me borrow her copy of Heavenly Man more than a year ago. It was so challenging and inspiring. It was one of those books that I couldn't put down, totally absorbed every word, and still remember the details. The opportunity to see and hear this amazing man of God in person is something I just could not pass up. And it's free! I emailed ShellFish as soon as I found the info and WE'RE GOING! Yippee!
If anyone wants to join us, let me know. If you want your faith to be challenged, read the book.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Becky, I have to go. I'm calling you later.