Anyway, I've been complaining about how ugly my blog is here on blogger. Let's see if I do any better over on wordpress...
Wednesday, February 4
Anyway, I've been complaining about how ugly my blog is here on blogger. Let's see if I do any better over on wordpress...
Wednesday, January 28
Friday, January 23
Happy... very happy
Tuesday, January 20
Happy Inauguration Day!
Thursday, January 15

This is the view out of my office window. At least I get to see the pretty snowy tower...
Wednesday, January 14

Wednesday, October 8
New Project

I started this sweater/shrug last night.
Okay, so it's kinda hard to tell it's the same thing, but I just started, so cut me a little slack. It's fat yarn on fat needles, so it should come together pretty quick. I'm hoping to be done with the back by the end of the week.
I know everyone will be on pins and needles (haha... needles, get it?) until I update on my progress, but try to contain yourselves (or self, since my mama's probably the only one who ever checks this crazy thing anymore).
And I promise to update about some aspect of my life other than bread and yarn very soon :)
Monday, October 6
Yay! I'm done!
Sunday, October 5
Wheat Bread
Tuesday, September 30
Baby Bunting!
Sorry it's sideways and not super clear. My camera is acting funny, so I took this on my phone.
Monday, September 22
Bread continued...
Friday, September 19
More Bread
Thursday, September 18
Brother Yun

Monday, September 15
Mmmm... Bread
Tuesday, September 9
80's Night

Hmmm... you can't really see my awesome bow.
If I could've brought her home...
A couple days later, we went to Rahab's monthly service with the women. While the choir was singing, one of the workers came rushing upstairs to get help with the kids. Since I'm not in the choir, they sent me down. As soon as I got there, one of the interns turned around and handed me Laura!
Later, when we talked with the women in small groups, I was in the group with both of their mothers. It was beautiful to hear their stories and understand a little more about the lives of these precious babies. And of course wonderful to see my sweet Laura again!
More on the little guy in another post...
Friday, August 29
Costa Rica Pix

Tuesday, August 26
Cake Wrecks
Friday, August 1
Costa Rica
I have fallen in love. Not for the first time, mind you, but fallen in love again... in love with the Lord, with his word, his people, his call to go, all of it. It's easy in our comfortable society to become, well, comfortable. But the Lord has renewed my first love...
This week I returned from a trip to Costa Rica, where I spent a few days working with the Rahab Foundation, a ministry to prostitutes in San Jose. They help sex workers see that they are loved and worthy of love. They help them get education and vocational training and find jobs. The staff at Rahab live and work like Jesus did - in the darkness, with the "sinners", the fatherless, the widow, the oppressed.
It was beautiful, intense, heart-breaking... and I'm once again in deep love.
I quit!
Maybe now that I don't have the stress of a picture every single day, I'll be more inclined to actually blog things... maybe, maybe not!
Tuesday, July 1
Ok, let's see if I can get some pictures up before my parents get here this weekend. Yippee for parents!
Friday, May 16
Wednesday, May 14
May 14